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Mt Somers Bus Stop Circuit

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

I have completed the Bus Stop circuit on Mt Somers many times before, it's a thoroughly enjoyable day out over varied terrain and scenery, encompassing loose rock, open tussock hills and waterfalls. However, every time before I have always gone in an anti clockwise direction, starting from the carpark and heading straight up the Rhyolite Ridge Track and out via the Coal Mine.

On this trip I decided to mix things up and head in a clockwise direction, beginning with the Coal Mine and Woolshed Creek Hut and exiting via the Rhyolite Ridge Track.

Our group of five met at the Mt Somers Store at 8.30am and then headed to the Woolshed Creek carpark to begin our day walk.

The track to the Coal Mine starts by following Woolshed Creek until it intersects with the old tramway that serviced the mine back when it was operating. It's a gentle climb through beech forest, climbing stairs and popping out into the open tussocks before the final climb to the mine itself.

The track then follows an old 4WD track for about 700 metres before diverting off and heading towards an old fence line. Along this section of track we were fortunate to encounter the resident male pheasant, he was happily going about his business and entertaining the walkers passing by.

From the fence line there are two options to head to Woolshed Creek Hut, either head left out to the 4WD track and follow this all the way to the hut, or go straight and take the Miners Track up and over the hill before dropping down to the hut. We chose to take the Miners Track, again for something different and because I hadn't done this section for a very long time.

The track begins sidling around the hill before heading up a spur to the top, a large cairn marks the high point and from here it is easy traversing along the top before dropping down to the hut.

We enjoyed our morning tea in the sun outside Woolshed Creek Hut, soaking in the day and the busy hut life. We then crossed the creek and carried on along our journey.

Not far from the hut the track crosses a swing bridge over Morgan Stream before a gentle climb and then descent down to Tri Falls Stream. We took the 5 minute detour to check out the waterfall, this is well worth the diversion.

Back on the track we climbed out of the stream and continued up towards the Bus Stop. This section of track passes through open tussock and scrub land as it gains in elevation. The Bus Stop is a large overhanging rock area that provided a brilliant vantage point looking down towards Woolshed Creek and out towards the Ashburton Lakes and Arrowsmith Range.

We took out time here, once again enjoying the sunshine, having a leisurely lunch.

Beyond the Bus Stop, the track begins its descent, crossing a small stream before s short climb back to into the tussocks. The old boggy areas of the track have been covered over with boardwalk making for pleasant conditions and a change underfoot from earthen track.

We eventually arrived at the track junction with the South Face Track and Rhyolite Ridge Track, indicating we were only an hour away from the carpark and the end of a wonderful day out.

This section of track is steep and often slippery on the loose shingle, but careful foot placement sees you out of this in no time at all, once off the ridge the track zig zags its way through tussock and scrub back into the bush before the final bridge over Woolshed Creek and the return to the car park.

This round trip was 11.4 km and took 5.5 hours including our stops for morning tea and lunch.

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